The Belt of Truth
Girded With Truth In his discourse on the armor of God, the Apostle Paul is not merely offering a collection of helpful advice; he is unveiling the unassailable armaments of the Divine. These are the strategic means to resist the assaults of the formidable serpent of yore, the devil known as Satan. They stand as supreme and boundlessly potent instruments at the disposal of us believers. Intriguingly, Paul initiates the description of this divine arsenal with an item as seemingly mundane as a belt. Given the potent symbols at his disposal—the resplendent sword of the Spirit, the impervious shield of faith, the radiant breastplate of righteousness—his choice to commence with a mere belt might seem puzzling. It's anything but grandiose. So, this decision prompts a curious investigation—why commence there?
What was the belt used for in the Roman army?
In his discussion about the armor of God, the Apostle Paul is not just providing advice; he is revealing the weapons of the Divine. These tools help us resist the attacks of the serpent from ancient times, known as Satan. They serve as incredibly powerful instruments for believers like us. Interestingly, Paul begins describing this arsenal with something ordinary, such as a belt. Considering he has symbols at his disposal, like the shining sword of the Spirit, the impenetrable shield of faith, and the radiant breastplate of righteousness, it might seem strange to start with a simple belt. It's not grand or impressive at all. This choice raises a question: why start there?
- What is truth? - John 17:17 - Proverbs 3:3-4- What does truth have to do with a belt? - 1 Thessalonians 5:21 - Proverbs 3:3-4- What other lessons can we learn from the biblical analogy of having our waist "girded" by a belt? - Luke 12:35-37 - 1 Peter 1:13- What are the dangers of not wearing the belt? - Romans 12:2 - 2 Timothy 2:15